Brom Leto Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Brom Leto

Drop Point: Jobber.
  Jared Leto, whose a vampire, wearing the clown make up worn by Joaquin Phenoix from Joker.
Boss of a street gang of vampires who roll around playing 30 seconds to mars music.     Final Form:
Pronounces Vampire "Vam-Peer"

Is intamitly familiar with minute details of the "The Vampair" YouTube series.

Thinks Sarah Michelle Gellar is totally out of line to go against Joss Whedon by saying that Buffy X Spike made no narrative sense, if pressed may call Sarah a Vampire racist. (WARNING: This may make Brom Leto irredemable as a charcter and if we want him to be seen in any kind of positive light we probably shouldn't do this)

Says that he hates the "What We Do in the Shadows" TV Serises, calling them "Fake" Vampires, Says he thinks the movie sucks too, but will admit he hasn't watched it. SECRETLY loves the serises and is his favorite "Guilty Pleasure" Show, and he is planning on watching the movie but hasn't gotten around to it yet. His favorite charcter is Lazlo (becuase everyones favorite charcater is lazlo and he's afraid to admit it to even himself becuase that would make him too "Mainstream" and Vampires like him are NOT "Mainstream). He is extreemly likle to kill anyone in his Gang if they walk in on him watching it, and if anyone catches him watching it that he can't kill instantaneously will probably have a "Don't tell them I live like this" moment.


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