BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Drop Point: Muad'Dib Desert
  Hakumen is a character in Blazblue. One of the Six Heroes that defeated the Black Beast, Hakumen is a stoic warrior of justice. He holds no love for evil, like Hazama/Yuuki Terumi, and is known to be strong. His body is the original Susanao'o that Yuuki once dwelled in.

His true identity is a time-displaced Jin Kisaragi, from a previous timeline of his universe and Rachel Alucard is the one to give him the Sankoshin unit.
He also seems to show concern for Tsubaki Yayoi, respects Bang's heart of valor, and detest Ragna the Bloodedge.   The blade he has is a Nox Nyctores, Slaying Demon: Okami, which has the ability to slash time itself.
Lore: Hakumen will find himself in a strange desert and keep an eye on Celica Mercury, and Fuko Kurousaki from a distance, killing Sandworms in the process with Terra.   General quotes
I am the White Void. You're end has come!

Character specific
Ragna - Dark One, you will perish here.
Jin - Was I really this foolish?
Noel - An exisitence that shouldn't be...
Archer - Take heed not to take your grudge to the extreme.
Gilgamesh - This is in bad taste; did the harlequin put you up to this?     Possible plots???  

Hakumen and Ultraman 0

A proposed idea is that Hakumen is trying to kill Ragna and Ben holds him off, only to suddenly realize he's facing down Hakumen and he has no chance.
Hakumen: I have met all kinds of strange and unorthodox fighters since I came here. Tell me, what abilities do you poses that make you think you can defeat me?
Ben: Honestly I just didn't want to watch someone die. And now, staring you down, I realize you have a magic nullifying sword taller than I am, The armor of a god, and incalculable years of experience fighting, and I don't have a chance in hell of beating you O_O
Hakumen: So you decide to fight me knowing you could not win, admirable.
Ben: Admirable enough to spare?
Hakumen: Only if you get out of my way.
Ben: .... ...... .......................................... I can't do that.
Hakumen: Then you have chosen your fate.

Ultraman 0 somehow becomes aware of the situation and is genuinely impressed with Ben's resolve to try to save someone despite lacking the ability to do so (Much like Leito from Ultraman Geed who tried to save a kid from falling rubble and got hit by a bus after slipping on a banana peel) and Assists him with Hakumen. It's also funny because Ultraman 0 is like Hakumen if Hakumen had a sense of humor.

The only thing Archer Knows for real

This idea was born of This song.
Effectively at some point during the plot, Hakumen has Ragna alone and dead to rights, and Archer stumbles upon it.
Sensing that Archer is a Counter-force Hakumen tries to reason with him, thinking that Since Hakumen is, or at least was, the power of order that Archer is the same or at least something similar. Archer makes a point to say he doesn't care what Hakumen does with Ranga, it's not his world or his problem.
Hakumen manages to put his foot in his mouth, by saying something along the lines of You've become morally dubious or at morally bankrupt, you're a killer, The only way to do anything truly heroic is to operate in an area of morally grey, whether or not you should kill someone comes down to basic arithmetic and insisting that all this is good. (I'm not sure if Hakumen would talk like this, he honestly probably wouldn't so this could be bad character writing on my part)
Since Archer's story is one where he wanted to grow up to be a tokusatsu hero, and instead, he became disillusioned, despondent, mostly a killer, sardonic, and a little or a lot suicidal. Hearing Hakumen congratulate him on his life choices and say only an IDIOT would think that reality worked any differently than this causes Archer to snap.

Something akin to "the only thing I know for real" former Metal gear starts playing, Archer loses all composure, And he fights Hakumen. Inadvertently saving Ragna, if only to spite Hakumen.

Hakaumen says something dumb like A fool like all the others.

Hakumens self care woes

At the end of the proluge ben finds hakumen and confronts him about all the things he's done since arriving in the CJM verse. Hakumen assumes he's going to give him a moral lecture, but Ben points out that he hasn't eaten since ariving, and reminds him he doesn't have acsees to all the powers he did back in the blaz blu universe and isn't just subsisting out in the boundry anymore. Ben reminds him to eat, drink, rest, and tend to his injuries. This is how their relation goes from antognistic to... Neutral? somewhat positive.  

Hakumen and Saber

Celica Ayatsuki Mercury and to a lesser exten Ben sense a disturbance in the force and go out to check on Hakumen. Jeff tags along since he never gets to see Celica anymore since she tends to volunterr her healing magic all over the Continet.
This dynamic could also be used to explore a sub plot where Jeff is excited to catch up with Celica and asks her about her life, while Ben begins to compare himself and feels inferior, which Celica picks up on and tell him to stop.
The main plot is that Hakumen is fighting Artoria Pendragon/Saber out in the wilds. He wants to see if He can tap into the magic that the Fate characters are using so he can increase his strength. As they fight Hakumen realizes that Sabers power come from an outisde source, and that it is wekaned by the universe their in like his own. He also realizes he cannot acsees hat power, but Thanks Saber for attempting to tecah him. They become better friends aftre word.
Halfway through this fight, Jeff Celica and Ben arrive and are concerned but ultimatly let them continue sparing. and also patch them up after its over.

  Win quotes:
Saber: The heros cup would have been a nice things to have in my universe. SOme where to go other than the boundry.


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