Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus

Drop Point: Britannia
  Haruka Tenoh is Sailor Uranus, the Guadian of the Heavens or guardian of flight. She is one of the Outer Guardians who deal with threats from outside the system with Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Saturn.   She is serious, a flirt, and strong-minded. Even though she looks like a male, she is biologically female, and even though Sailor Neptune says "She shares traits of a male and female" it doesn't mean she's a hermaphrodite and was speaking of the qualities of her strength being equal to a man's and her femininity in being a sailor guardian.   Her destiny as a guardian deals with sacrificing a dream she once held for racing in a car circuit and being one of the tops in Japan. She's a pianist and can be seen playing in a concert sometimes with her romanitc partner, Michiru. It is one of the biggest points of the series. She is 16 by the start of the series and 17 by the end.   Depending on which version you watch or read, in the 90s anime after dealing with Death Busters she and Neptune have one final fight with Sailor Moon to determine if she can defeat them and go on without them (which does happen) and go to parts unknown. They return in the last season in a bigger role and gain access to her Super form, due to the return of Nelhelania from the previous season. When Galaxia descends and all looks lost, she and Neptune "betray", Sailor Moon, though it doesn't work, and get killed. In the end, Sailor Moon can stop Sailor Galaxia and revive her friends.   In the manga and Crystal anime adaptation, she, Michiru, and Setsuna raise Hotaru, who was reborn as a baby, and become a family and return to active duty due to the threat of Nelhelainia and gain access to their Super forms and eventually access to her Eternal form in the final battle with the queen of nightmares.   Sailor Uranus has the talisman, Space Sword and is a decent fighter with it and has attacks based on the Earth despite her power being air-associated.   Her castle is Miranda.   Lore: Haruka arrives in this world and she is suspicious from the get-go. She and Michiru take an observant role in the going on and looking for her fellow guardians. She'll be part of the Driving Circuit club with Saber, Fuko, and others who like driving.   General quote: I have no time for you.   Character specific
Sailor Moon - I told you before, odango; the games we play are dangerous, though that was a good fight.
Sailor Mars/Mercury/Venus - You've gotten stronger, which is good to see.
Sailor Jupiter - That strength will take you far. Continue improving to protect the princess.
Sailor Neptune - I feel you went easy on me, love?
Sailor Pluto - I was able to win against you? Did you go easy on me?
Sailor Saturn - I'm glad you are able to control your powers, little one.
Sailor Chibimoon - Our little trainnee still has a lot to learn.
Ragna - Whatever you are, I'll be keeping an eye on you.
Jin - *scoffs* That swordplay of yours gives me chills.

Fighter Info

Author: Poshpsylocke, Starmie, Vulcan Fury
Version Date: 01, 1, 2022
Location: Found here or here? I don't remeber...


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