Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn

Drop Point: Time-Space Corridor
  Hotaru Tomoe is Sailor Saturn, the Guardian of Death and Rebirth. She is the forbidden guardian that was never to awaken. She is called forth on the eve of destruction when Silver Millenium fails to ruin (manga/Crystal adaption) when the three talismans come together, causing her to use "Death Reborn Revolution", her strongest attack.

Her age is around 12/13 physically. She is reborn as Hotaru Tomoe and sadly her fate didn't get better as she became a host to a parasite entity named Mistress 9, an avatar for a deadly being Pharaoh 90. This happened due to her father being desperate when Hotaru was about to die at a young age, which is the main plot of season 3/arc 3 of the manga, Crystal and 90's anime.   She gets the least amount of screen time infamously and shows back up in season 5 of the 90s anime. In the manga and Crystal adaption, she comes back in Arc Four and is mostly support in Arc 5.   Sailor Saturn's powers are destructive and can bring the end of the planet so her attacks are defensive with one projectile attack.   She is best friends with Chibiusa and sees the Outer guardians as her parents, giving them cute nicknames. Her weapon is the Silence Glaive, and she gains her Super attire and Eternal power in the course of the series.   Her castle is Titan.   Lore: She and Setsuna will be brought to this world and will ask for aid in Naoto Shirogane.   General battle quote
Silence is all that awaits you.

Character specific
Sailor Moon -
Inner Guardians -
Sailor Chibimoon
- Sailor Uranus - Sailor Neptune - Sailor Pluto -
Any Ultraman -
Ragna -
Noel -
Jin -

Figher Info

Author: Poshpsylocke, Starmie, Vulcan Fury
Version Date: 01, 1, 2022
Location: Found here or here? I don't remeber...


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