Kiryu Kazuma Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Kiryu Kazuma

Drop Point: Somewhere in New Tokyo   Kiriyu Kazuma is from the Yakuza games. He is a former gangster that holds a lot of honor with what he does. He is a great brawler and has dealt plenty of scum and villiny in the city. Kazuya has a up and down friendship with Goro Majima, his best friend and enemy at one point. Kiriyu is stoic yet kind in his actions and has helped people when needed. Due to his time in the Yakuza of the Dojima clan, he has an exquistie detailed dragon on his back. He is usually seen wearing a nice suit.   Lore: Kiriyu will wind up in this world and it will be business as usual taking the odd job here and there and dealing with the "underworld" part of new Tokyo and Rollingsberg. He will be employed mostly by Pooh bear.


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