Lelouch Vii Britania
Drop Point: Tokyo
The main character in Code Geass. Lelouch is the genius child of Charles and Marianne, older brother to Nunally, best friends with Suzaku, and known terroist of the Black Knights, Zero.
Lelouch is also contracted to C.C. and has a geass, which the ability is to control anyone with aboslute authority only once. He also has some training with guns, and some Knightmare frame skills with the Sankoushin.
His story is told in the anime, so if you should watch it. Lore: He will appear in this world, shocked over what he sees. He'll have connections to the underground network and work his way as Rachel Alucard's butler. His main deal will be dealing with his father, who is somehow revived after being wiped clean by the will of geass. Possiblilty that he can have a relationship with Shirley?
His story is told in the anime, so if you should watch it. Lore: He will appear in this world, shocked over what he sees. He'll have connections to the underground network and work his way as Rachel Alucard's butler. His main deal will be dealing with his father, who is somehow revived after being wiped clean by the will of geass. Possiblilty that he can have a relationship with Shirley?