Noel Vermillion Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Noel Vermillion

Drop Point: Britania
  One way to describe Noel is timid, shy, and accepting of various negatives at her of her superior Jin. Another is Successor of the Azure. Murokumo Unit 12. Clone. God.   Noel is all that and holder of the Nox Nyctores called "Bolverk", a dual pistol that can blast through anything. She is a lieutenant under Jin and her destiny is linked to one Ragna the Bloodedge, an infamous rouge. Though all that's been said, Noel has a strong drive to protect the ones who are her friends and family. Is fast with her guns and it's infamously called by fans "Gun-Akimbo".
  Lore: Being the eyes of the azure, Noel is at first confused over the circumstances of being summoned into a random world outside her own. She can't interfere with Phenomenom Intervention though is one of the few people that isn't affected by this world's rules. Keep her away from Jin, Seto, Hiei, Sesshomaru, and Belial.   General quotes
I didn't think I was going to win that.
You have the right to remain silent! *giggle* I sounded serious about that!
It's over. Character-specific quotes
Ragna - I didn't think I'd win against you Ragna. Did you go easy on me?
Jin - Major Kisaragi you really need to control your temper. Ahhhh, I'm sorry!!
Tsubaki - We're friends Tsubaki so why do you continue to fight me?
Rachel - I was able to acquire my new power thanks to you Ms. Rachel, I won't forget your words.
Miroku - Ahhhhh what do you think you're doing touching me like that you lecher!


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