BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prologue: Ben

Ben Waking up in the CJM Universe.

B: Ben
K: Kaede
C: Cu Chulainn/Lancer
D: Demon enenmy  

Into the Dream

The scene opens up on Ben with his eyes closed, either the background of a hut like Kaedes or just a black background behind them.

B: Zzzzzzzz...

Bens eyes blink open.

B: Ok, so I'm in some kind of hut? Where am I? /n I better check outside.

The scene fades and the background changes to Kaedes village.

B: Oh! This is Kaedes village from Inuyasha, So I'm dreaming about Inuyasha!

Bens expresion changes to confused.

B: Am I inuyasha? My hairs not long enough.../n Oh god, I hope I'm not Miroku.

Kaede appears on the screen.

K: So you're awake now. How are you feeling?

B: Me? Oh I feel fine, thanks for asking.

K: Good, I was worried that their might be something wrong with after we found ye collapsed in the forest. I'm glad it was only exaustion.

B: OH, you rescued me! Thank you so much, how can I ever repay you?

K: If you are feeling as well as you say, perhaps you could help keep watch tonight? Demons have been restless tonight, we've had to ask two other passerbys like you for assitance in dealing with them. Last I saw of them they where chasing demons out into the woods.

B: Sure!

K: Thank you, though I forgot my introductions. I am Kaede, I'm a preistess who lives in theis village and watches over the people who live here.

B: My name is, uhhh... Ben.

B: (Yeah that should work until I figure out who I am in this dream)

K: Thank you.

the sound of a twig snapping is heard and both sprites move to one side as a sillouheted figure appears.

K: A Demon!

D: And I was so close to catching you unawares. No matter, you cannot stop me now. The preistess flesh shall taste delicious and the other one... Well I guess they can be a snack.

B: Wait am I small?

D: Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

The screen flashes and once it returns to normal Cu culain can be seen infront or Kaede and Ben.

C: You know I was just walking by and I gotta say, attacking a defenseless old lady and kid is low.

B: Kid?

C: So I'm giving you your one and only chance to walk away.

D: You will not deny me that which is mine!!!

C: Wrong anwser.

FIGHT: Cu Culain & Ben V.S. Sillouhet smyth.

Scene fades in with Kaede and Ben on one side Cu Culain on the other.

C: Well well, wouldn't have expected you to be a fighter.

Ben Smiles

B: I just felt that I could, so I did!

K: Thank you both. I still have no idea what has the demons in a such a state.

C: I might have an idea. I made sure to scout the terrain as I wandered around trying to get my bearings.

C: It looks like this entire area has been warped, I can see city in the distance that looks nothing like this place. Also their are areas that meet up that seems downright unnatural.

K: Unnatural areas?

C: Yeah, has their allways been a desert to the west of here?

K: No, not in all my years. Whatever could be happening?

C: That's what I aim to find out, if you'll excuse me...

Cu culains sprite turns away form Ben and Kaeded.

K: Wait a moment, if I could bother you for another favor.

Cu turns back around and Ben moves over to cus side of the screen.

B: What's up?

K: A group of ours went out not long before all this started and hasn't returned. I was wondering if you could look for them in your travels.

C: What kind of group?

K: They are an able group of 6, and while I know they ca take care of themsevles I'm still concerned becuse of the current state of things.

K: They consist of, a half-demon with long white hair dressed in red, a girl with black hair in outlandish clothing, a youg fox demon...

K: A demon hunter with a large boomerang, her Nekomata companion, and a monk with a wrapped right hand.

K: If you sent them back here I know they could protect this village until this uprorar is over.

B: Ok, I'll look for them.

C: Sure, count me in too. Iused to do stuff like this all the time.

K: I cannot thank you enough.

C: Don't mention it, you coming shorty?

B: Absolutly!

B: Starts humming badly. (robin hood and little john)


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