Ragna the Bloodedge Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Ragna the Bloodedge

Drop Point: Rollinsberg
  SS Criminal to the NOL, Ragna is a short-tempered man on a mission to destroy the cauldrons in each city of Kagutsuchi. Ragna unfortunately has a fate that has been repeated a thousand times or more of dying at the hands of Nu-13, a Murakumo unit and falling into the cauldron, and transforming into what is known as the Black Beast.   The very complicated deal though is able to break out of the loop thanks to Noel, who saved him from becoming one with Nu. Has gone through a continuum shift and is currently dealing with Chronophantasma. Though in Central Fiction, the story is complete, the BlazBlue characters here haven't experienced that as of yet. His siblings are Jin and Noel, being a clone of his sister Saya.
  Lore: Ragna will appear in this confusing world and will deal with it. Knowing that he is less known, he will take on exploring the continanant and come across Lina, Edward, and Alphonse. He will still get involved with the NOL police at points and have a small apartment with Taokaka.

General battle quotes Like you could beat me.
Back off, I don't want to hurt you more than I already have.
  Character specific Jin - Little bitch, shouldn't you be crying that the moon is going to fall on you!?
Noel - Stop following me already and go back to a safe place.
Rachel - Rabbit will you stop barking orders to me...no I won't make you some damn tea!
Inuyasha/Ranma/Yusuke/Kuwabara - That wasn't bad kid, though you can't beat me like that.
Sailor Moon - Why do I attract all the crybabies?


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