Saya Otonashi Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Saya Otonashi

Drop point: N/A   Saya is the titular character of Blood+. She is a Chiropteran, a vampiric being, that has the apperance of a 16-year old, though her actual age is 173. Saya has exceptional strength, speed, and swordsmanship due to her heritage. She has a twin sister named Diva, and an adopted family that lives in Okinawa, Japan. During the course of the series, Saya has forgotten her memories of her past and is living a normal life until someone by the name of Hagi, her steward, comes back to her life due to the rise of Chiropteran. Her new family also get invovled with the story and get's complicated with her brother, Kai wanting to protect her constantly as the oldest in their adopted family, and Hagi, who does protect her.   Lore: She winds up in the Federal Forest dealing with demons until meeting up with the Inu-crew.


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