Sho Fukamachi/Guyver I Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Sho Fukamachi/Guyver I

Drop Point: Rollinsberg
  Sho Fukamachi was once an ordinary high school student until he came across a mysterious device on his way home from school. The device opened and bonded to Sho's body covering him in bio-mechanical armor called "Guyver," one of three known to exist. This caught the attention of Kronos, a shadowy organization that manufactures mutated monster soldiers called Zoanoids, who had been searching for the armor for millennia and will stop at nothing to acquire it. Sho now must face this evil organization and their twisted goal of world domination even if it puts him on the run with his loved ones.

General win quote: "Man I feel bad for having to take you down."
] Specific characters To Ultra and Godzilla characters: "You're lucky I didn't have to use Gigantic to beat you."
To monster characters: "Man, these guys give Zoanoids a run for their money."
To Rider characters: "Fighting evil organizations that create monsters? Glad to know I'm not the only one." To Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Hellboy: "How are you not a Zoanoid?"

Ben notes


Transforming into the armor causes damage in a spehere around the user, possibly killing other people nearby.
Super speede aparntly, enough to tail a car.
Can basically fly/air dash with gravity control???
Guyver, can recreate host from nothing if host is killed. Is the new body a clone??? "Repete to yourself its just a show I should really just relax"

1980 sho

  • Specifically lovable dork
  • Forgetfull
    Bad danger sense? (picks up the guyver unit and starts poking it)
    Boy he can yell.
    Has nightmares about traumatic stuff.
    Responds to trauama/stress by isolating.
    Might freeze up under stress but not for long.
    Willing to fight for his and others personal freedom
    Should maybe have Tetsuro and Mizuki with him? I don't think he'll stop worrying about them otherwise.
    There may be a subconcious component to controlling the guyver unit. When Sho is espically traumatized by actions commited by the armor, He finds himself unable to summon it despite activly trying, and it will sometimes spontaniously unequip. The reason stated in the anime is that he was truamatized and sending the armor away without meaning too.
    Upon meeting with extreem trauma sho supresses the memories without meaning too.


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