Steven Rogers/Captain America Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Steven Rogers/Captain America

Arc: teaching Peacemaker the error of is ways. Drop Point: Jobber Or Britannia
  Steve Rogers aka Captain America, fights for a better tommorow. He is the product of experimentation during World War 2 where he decided to be the subject of an experimental drug that is supposed to enhance a human to peak level in physical attributes. Captain America was crucial in WW2 and his fate led him to make a sacrifice which caused him to be frozen for 70 years before thawed in the current time. He eventually becomes part of the team "The Avengers" being one of the world's leading heroes.   He is respected by many though somewhat stubborn due to his minset is one from the 40's. Also Cap can be too idealistic for brainiacs like Tony Stark, so he wouldn't make it in the Illumanati. Wielding his fabled vibranium shield, skills, and a moral heart, he continues his fight.   He's also not a virgin and got an ass that won't quit. It is known as "America's ass".   Lore: He will help out the dumbass Peacemaker.   Win quote
"Step down son, this fight was one you couldn't win."


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