The Knowby Cabin Building / Landmark in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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The Knowby Cabin

One location, Three stages. [ h1]Cabin Exterior Stage made by Mister_K81, found here.
Shows the outside of the Knowby cabin.
Music: None.  

Cabin Interior

Stage made by 1_W@NT_W1ND, and Mujaki and Dexon, found here.
Aspect ratio: ???
shows the inside of the Knowby Cabin as it appears near the end of Evil Dead 2.
music: Evil Dead 1981 Ending Title Song  

Cabin Fruit Cellar

Stage made by Mujaki and Dexon, found here.
Aspect ratio: ???
Shows the Fruit Cellar of the Knowby cabin from Evil dead 2.
music: Evil Dead 1981 Ending Title Song
There are some pictures in the fruit cellar and messed up to see what they are. Maybe consider removing if it's something unknown?


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