Weiss Schnee Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Weiss Schnee

Drop Point: Britania
  Weiss Schnee is one of the four main characters in "RWBY".   Aristocratic, high-minded, a tsundere yet lonely girl, Weiss is the poor rich girl that fans love. At first rather rude to the younger Ruby and prejudiced against Fanan like Blake, it takes Weiss a while to grow to like them and break away from her close-mindedness until she realizes she's being awful to them and eventually sees them as her second family.   Like many in their world, she has a Semblance that allows to her create glyphs to move quickly from one to another for offense and defense. She also uses Dust for her weapon the rapier called Myrtenaster which contains 6 slots of different colored dust that represent an element though Ice is her forte.   Weiss also is known to have a great voice for singing. She enjoys coffee.   Lore: Weiss and the rest of her friends will be issekai'd into this world and be doing schooling in the Britannia area despite not following its ideals ruled by the Emperor at the time. She will eventually leave for "Faux-Japan" and occassionaly bump into various side characters.   General battle quote We must all strive to be better than we are today.


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