Zatanna Zatara Character in CJM Mugen | World Anvil
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Zatanna Zatara

Arc: Flat. Drop Point: Rollinsberg
  Zatanna Zatara is a character from DC Comics that is mostly part of one of the incarnation teams, Justice League Dark. Known as the "Mistress of Magic", Zatanna is the magic support at times for Batman, lover and friend of John Constantine, and one of the strongest magic users in the DC universe due to her homo-magi blood and her craft working by speaking her intent backwards, which she is proficient at.   She can manipulate reality with her spells though it comes at a price of her energy reserves and either cutting her throat or gagging her to prevent using her magic. Zatanna has been known to use her magic normally if the situation merits it and once used "blood magic" when she went up against the Joker.   Due to magic, Zatanna could be considered another weakness of the Man of Steel. Being a sorcerous she is known to use it in her shows being a stage magician, her main source of income. There have been various retcons in comics, her background has shifted but one thing that remains a constant is her father being "spirited" away and her trying to get him back, and somehow Constantine being an added factor for good or ill.   She has a strong fanbase and it's best not to get her characterization wrong.

  Lore: Zatanna will pop up in Rollingsberg, and catch on fast over being spirited away into another world. She will help whoever needs assistance, be it regular folk or heroes. She will be a teacher to J, and get along with the other magic users in this world.   Normal win quote:
Magic is easy as 1. 2. 3! *vanishes away*   Character specific: Rin/Lina/J - Different kinds of magic are used in various ways. The multiverse is something.
Z-Man - I'll have to insist you don't become Batman's 15th steward.
Ben - You should talk to someone for your benefit.[be]  

Ben Notes

stage magician.

Knowledgeable about magic stuff.

Headstrong, not backseat.


Spells require speaking. Seciptable to silence. This can be circumvented by adding magic to objects, like Rin's gems (in Justice League Dark she does this with a wand she kept hidden on her person) )

Eye's glow when casting big magic (Or when angry???)

can go berserk apparently (according to Justice League Dark)

Magic appears unlimited in terms of what it can do. whatever she can imagine seems possible, the only limit is her stamina.

[be] She might be friends with Bruce Wayne from childhood, depending on what continuity we grab her from.

Powers scale based on where we grab her from (the scaling is basically, whoever has better knowledge and mana wins in a straight-up match) though I guess that's obvious. Zatanna could be the best, or somewhere in the middle based on different continuitys.


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