Andate (formerly Pontia)

pontia is a little city-state that was originally part of cafonzania before breaking away due to severe differences of economic opinion. (cafonzania being the largest country in the archipelago, it chose not to focus its resources on recapturing this tiny plot of land and risk eliciting onsian raids.) pontia is now a switzerland-esque neutrality, still firmly allied with cafonzania and frequently offering refuge to people fleeing yetelosia. pontia is well-structured and economically stable (and, quite honestly, rich), but its small size means that what crystalites are chosen as companions are typically also very small to be comfortable in honeycombed human apartment buildings. crystalite companions are viewed as luxuries, not necessities. pontia is technically an oligarchy but is an outwardly benevolent one.   pontia native colors: golden-brown skin, dark thick hair (usually straight, sometimes wavy), dark eyes

Nations of the Archipelago

Geopolitical, City-state
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Ty Barbary with Midjourney AI