Capria (formerly Cafonzania)

the largest nation in the archipelago by landmass and population both, cafonzania is a sprawling country run with modest socialism and a heavy emphasis on international trade, since it’s located in the heart of the biggest landmass of pojaka. cafonzania is the only nation in the ‘pelago to offer everyone, regardless of employment or dis/ability, a set amount of currency to live on. as a result, it is widely considered the best place to live, and most innovation and art that takes place in the archipelago is done in cafonzania. it’s far from perfect, of course - there’s always a bit of tension to see if the seasonal trade industry provides enough profit to continue giving people that unique basic income - but there’s also a fairly strong sense of community, and those who bring home a particularly high income based off their own work have been known to donate a portion of it to their local community’s pool of “backup” income in case of national shortages. as a result of this system, however, cafonzania does not accept immigrants that don’t bring some working skillset or knowledge with them, making it one of the more restrictive countries in regards to people moving across borders for more than just trade routes.   cafonzania has the official stance that every person has a basic right to have up to 3 crystalites attuned to them, since many smaller regions inside the large nation have the child/teen/adult system of crystalite “distribution.” however, those who have more than 3 crystalites can frequently be frowned upon, unless those crystalites either help them bring in income or are small enough to not impact others’ living arrangements. crystalites are not traded as a secondary currency here, unlike most other pojaka nations, and are painstakingly chosen with the knowledge that 3 is the upper limit for most individuals. those who would style themselves as collectors usually get a social hall pass by running museums or small observatories to feature their crystalites in semi-natural habitats for layfolk and scientists alike to watch.   cafonzania native colors: warm medium-brown skin, dark brown or black hair (fine, usually straight), dark blue or dark brown eyes

Nations of the Archipelago

Geopolitical, Country

Cover image: by Ty Barbary with Midjourney AI