
Eren is a young woman native to Kznia.   she’s a young woman (19ish) with warm copper skin, thick red-tinted black curls, and dark brown eyes. average height, a little pudgy from a relatively sedentary life, not athletic or particularly strong. as an indoors kid, her clothing tends to be comfy and not super practical, nor super schmancy - loose long soft dresses, or long-sleeve shirts with long skirts. she loves the color purple (the darker/richer, the better).   she’s an earnest, somewhat shy person who has been sheltered all her life and is starting to break out of the box. rebellion isn’t really her thing, but when her aunt (a relatively wealthy and busy woman who raised her) shipped her off to live with her grandfather (a retired woodworker who now whittles toys for kids), her perspective of the world flipped upside down. she spent her life being refused any long-term bonded crystalite, as she was one of the few people who showed adult-level crystalization as a child and, to preserve her humanity, was not allowed to partner with a crystalite. (most kiddos have an immunity to crystalization until after puberty.) but Eren loves crystalites, probably even more since she’s never been able to have one of her own, and will interact with any person’s crystalite if given permission. part of her stretching her wings is deciding she wants to have a crystalite, even if her body does progress into crystalization far faster than a normal human adult’s should.   absolute nerd, knows an awful lot about crystalites from reading but almost none from experience. sketches and writes notes. isn't great at social nuance - she tends to assume negatives, thanks to her aunt's nonsense, but she's very good at running standard social scripts and being polite. has abandonment issues but doesn't realize it yet.
A portrait of a smiling young woman wearing a purple blouse. She has warm copper skin, curly dark hair, and a pink flower in her hair.
by Ty Barbary via Midjourney AI

Cover image: by Ty Barbary with Midjourney AI