Inerdonia (formerly Yetelosia)

the kingdom of yetelosia is not having a good time. beset by consistent and seemingly inexorable “raids” from onsia to the north, and with a massive chunk of its populace suffering from the mono-like “orange flu” in the south and east, its previously elegant culture is wilting under the stress. many people who are able to move are migrating to the independent city-state of pontia (which is immune to onsian raids, thanks to being allied with the far larger cafonzania) or flat-out immigrating to cafonzania. yetelozia’s monarchy and noble caste are struggling to keep morale up amidst this generation-long outbreak of the orange flu and the many-generations-long pressure from onsia.   yetelosia native colors: formerly golden skin but now sallow, blonde to brown hair (thin, straight), and blue green or brown eyes

Nations of the Archipelago

Geopolitical, Country
Inerdonian (proper), Donian (slang)
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Ty Barbary with Midjourney AI