
A mythical evil spirit that uplifts and corrupts monarchal rulers.   Known by many names, the Kingmaker archetype is a favorite of Joligran conspiracy fables. Kingmaker is given many faces, many origins, many motivations, but the end result is always the same - a lone human given the belief that they are above others, that they deserve the power and wealth that come with rulership, and almost immediately corrupted into sadism, greed, nepotism, and tyranny.   Sometimes Kingmaker is the wife of a king or the husband of a queen. Sometimes Kingmaker is a whispering advisor or wise elder. Kingmaker may be a parent or precocious child of the ruler in question, or an ancestor spirit of a dynastic family line. Whether Kingmaker takes an allied position or an antagonistic one, its words will twist and spoil any ruler's heart and mind.   In any story, Kingmaker stands to prove that there is no ethical or moral monarchy. No singular ruler can maintain integrity in the face of unchecked power. Whether Kingmaker is a metaphor to illustrate human fallibility, or whether Kingmaker is considered a real entity (spirit, ghost, demon, demigod) that taints and corrupts a human, the stories all end similarly: the ruler becomes evil.   Some Kingmaker stories continue, though this is often considered to be a "different" story tacked on as a second half. Kingmaker stories themselves are already heretical, traitorous, or rebellious depending on where they're told--many nations in the archipelago have singular rulers, including Joligry's neighbor and motherland, Kznia. The back half of Kingmaker tales usually detail a ruler's further descent into despotism, the whisper network that ignites and unites a growing rebellion, and ultimately, a graphic end for the evil ruler as The People overthrow the crown.   Kingmaker stories are generally regarded as nonsense, albeit irritating nonsense, by most people outside of Joligry. However, Kingmaker itself as an archetype can seed subconscious beliefs, ideas, opinions, and expectations in unsuspecting minds, and that is exactly its purpose.

Cover image: by Ty Barbary with Midjourney AI