Kulmaa (formerly Oclearateia)

this city-state, often nicknamed teia, is the original territory of the first people to live in pojaka. over time, the original tribe (oclea) expanded and mixed with other peoples, forming hybrid cultures that would later become exadnakia and cafonzania. teia is considered almost a historic zone, where time stands still and old ways of life - and old buildings - are honored and maintained almost religiously. teians who are not descended from ocleans are rare and usually brought in as specialists in some kind of field where there is a lack. the vast majority of the populace is at least half oclean in bloodline. crystalites are treated as equals, but not everyone has a companion, and it’s rare to have more than one crystalite unless one’s profession demands it.   oclean native colors: ebony skin, black hair (usually thick and kinked), dark brown eyes

Nations of the Archipelago

Geopolitical, City-state
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Ty Barbary with Midjourney AI