
moufeirin is considered a frontier nation and has ‘adopted’ (not conquered, but allied with and politically umbrella’d) the small indigenous city-states of relorah (west) and coetral (south). moufeirin also has nominal dibs on the largely-uninhabited-by-humans ring of islands that comprise the westernmost portion of the archipelago. most of these unknown islands are rife with unstudied or outright undiscovered crystalites, which draws an awful lot of scientists, historians, and crystalogians to the “frontier”, which is becoming rapidly more advanced thanks to their residency. to promote this interest, moufeirin has a special kind of visa for those actively working long-term in the country that almost acts like a second citizenship and has noticeable benefits to either keeping it active or transitioning to actual citizenship. moufeirin functions as a small-government democracy with heavy reliance on subject-specific councils and committees. it is one of the countries where lifelong partnership (or at least constant rotational companionship) of crystalites is a given for nearly all persons, visitors or otherwise. crystalites are viewed like many Americans view their beloved dogs - as a companion, a friend, but not “just” a tool, and not an equal.   Osaraletos = southeast, big port city for east/west trade and travel, goes to Logilov, tropical dry forest   Caios = port city, east of Osaraletos, tropical rainforest biome, minor port (just a stop along the way from Osar to Logilov)

Nations of the Archipelago

Geopolitical, Country
Moufeureish (proper), Moufish (slang)
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Ty Barbary with Midjourney AI