The Van Diemen's Gazette - Disappearance of William Jeffries
Newspaper article THURSDAY, September 6, 1821.
Mrs. Madelyn Jeffries (nee Bally), having been apprehended and taken into the custody of police at Hobart police-office in suspected connexion with the disappearance of Mr. Jeffries, has been released. Hobart police-officer Constable Broadmoor states that no farther investigation is to be made into Mrs. Jeffries, there being no evidence of any such involvement by her. Various townspeople to whom the Jeffries family was known have expressed discontentment regarding the release of Mrs. Jeffries.
There is word of rumours of Mr. Jeffries perhaps having some involvement in an illegal smuggling-ring that had led to his unusual vanishing.
Another theory for the mysterious disappearance has been proposed by Miss. Rita Larkin, residing in a dwellinghouse nearby to the Jeffries Manor, that said disappearance is the work of extraterrestrial beings. Ms. Larkin states she bore witness to such beings appearing and disappearing at will, near on a weekly-basis, through a supposed otherworldly door of light and colour into another realm.