Brothel Mistress

Known for its mesmerizing night markets and neon-lit streets, Cloacina maintains a notorious reputation for housing some of the most extravagant houses of ill repute in the galaxy. Its economy thrives on the intermingling of pleasure and commerce, where wealth and decadence reign supreme.   Because of this, a key member of order is the Brothel Mistress, a woman who leads her house in the area of pleasure.  These houses provide sensual pleasure as well as drinking and gambling for weary Spacers looking to have a good time.  A Brothel Mistress' job to maintain proper order and make sure that the guests are not only entertained, but do not get out of line.



Natural charisma and a sharp intellect are key, but the ability to maintain control of situations at all times is the most important qualifications.  A Brothel Mistress must exude a confidence that will make any one pause to question her.

Career Progression

Most will start as a worker, earning their spot of trust with other workers, as well as their clients.  The progression can be slow or quick, depending on the qualifications.  For some, the transition is a natural one.

Payment & Reimbursement

A Brothel Mistress will take a small percentage of the house take.  So any purchases made inside a house will give a percentage to the Mistress.  This will entice the Mistress to make sure she has the best workers of all kinds, to allow for a higher demand.  They may also take clients of their own, and take a larger percentage for themselves.

Other Benefits

Room and board.  They also are given a higher status among those in the same profession.



The Brothel Mistress' purpose is one of control.  She oversees that ladies and men that work under her, and verifies that the people who come in for pleasure are willing to obey the house rules.  A good Brothel Mistress may also entertain, but is mostly there to make sure things stay at the proper level of debauchery.

Social Status

Truthfully, a Brothel Mistress is seen like any other boss. She reached her position through hard work and dedication. Yes, Spacers will recognize a Brothel Mistress in a cantina, or anywhere else, and they will be treated with respect, especially if they plan on visiting a "house" later.


From as far back as the first settlement, there has been a place for pioneers to "wet their whistle" as it were.  It is the galaxy's oldest profession, and a great many women have had this position.  Cities and civilations have been built around places of ill repute.
Alternative Names
Mistress, Madam
A good Mistress is a luxury, hard to find and very in demand.


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