Mara Corliss

Mara Corliss

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

She typically dresses in practical, well-worn clothes, often decorated with intricate, hand-drawn symbols that she claims are for good luck.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mara was born on Voltopia, a water planet known for its vibrant marine life and lush underwater cities. She was drawn to the mechanics and engineering of the underwater cities and excelled in her studies. After graduating, she left Voltopia, seeking new challenges and a way to make a difference in the galaxy. She joined The Fang as a ship engineer, drawn to its reputation for justice and its captain's unwavering commitment to helping the downtrodden.


Engineer and mechanic aboard The Fang

Mental Trauma

She lost her parents at a young age to a mysterious illness that swept through their community. This tragedy left a deep scar on Mara, fueling her desire to find purpose and meaning in her life.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mara possesses empathic abilities that allow her to sense the emotions of others. She can also tap into a deeper psychic connection with certain individuals, allowing her to see glimpses of their past or future. These abilities are still developing and she is only beginning to understand their full potential.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mara is deeply fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the potential for psychic abilities. She has a collection of ancient texts and artifacts that she uses to study and explore these topics, hoping to learn more about her own powers and how to control them. She is also a talented artist, and often sketches scenes from her travels and adventures, recording her experiences in a unique visual language only she can understand.

Virtues & Personality perks

She possesses a dry wit and a playful sense of humor, but can be fiercely independent and stubborn when she feels her skills are being underestimated. She is not afraid to speak her mind, even to those in positions of authority, and her unwavering belief in her own abilities makes her a force to be reckoned with.

Personality Quirks

Her empathic nature makes her deeply sensitive to the emotions of others, and she often finds herself drawn to those in need, even if it means putting herself in danger.  This empathy is coupled with a fierce sense of loyalty, especially towards her captain, Redik Jer'ot.  Though she sees him almost as an older brother, she also respects his strength and cunning, and trusts him implicitly.



Mara is deeply fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and the potential for psychic abilities. She has a collection of ancient texts and artifacts that she uses to study and explore these topics, hoping to learn more about her own powers and how to control them. She is also a talented artist, and often sketches scenes from her travels and adventures, recording her experiences in a unique visual language only she can understand.
Green wide eyed and innocent
Bluish black, usually pulled in a pony tail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue pigmentation, common for people of Voltopia


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