Nyx - Lady of Bliss

Lady of Bliss Nyx

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of the Nyxicon, a holy book speaking of the traditions of pleasure and passion.

Tenets of Faith

Pleasure and happiness are things to be celebrated, and not hidden. Society shall not supress those who wish to derive pleasure for themselves or others. Those who perform or work against the norms of society are those to be praised within the Nyxicon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stunningly beautiful and radiant, with a captivating aura of ethereal charm. Her long, flowing hair is a cascading waterfall of colors, and her eyes shimmer with a cosmic allure.  Those who claim to have seen the Goddess or have been touched by the Goddess all claim her appearance is different, but all have described as radiant and alluring.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Nyx's birth from the primordial darkness, bringing light and euphoria to a nascent universe. Her creation of the first cosmic orgasm, unleashing an unparalleled wave of bliss that reverberated through the galaxies. Her legendary dance that aroused the gods and goddesses, inspiring a cosmic festival of revelry and delight."
  • From the Book of the Nyxicon
  • In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, where stars danced and galaxies twirled, there existed an ethereal realm of pure delight. There, from the primordial darkness, arose Nyx, the Intergalactic God/Goddess of Pleasure.   Nyx's birth illuminated the universe with a radiant aura of joy and bliss. She danced through the void, creating cosmic orgasms that sent waves of ecstasy across the vast expanse. Her influence spread to countless worlds, inspiring mortals to embrace their passions and experience the transformative power of pleasure.   Nyx challenged societal norms and taboos that sought to suppress desire. She taught that pleasure was not a sin but an essential aspect of existence. Her teachings ignited revolutions, liberating beings from the shackles of shame and fear.   Throughout history, Nyx has witnessed the fall and rise of civilizations, the evolution of customs, and the inexhaustible yearning of mortals for fulfillment. She has danced with Eros, loved with Bacchus, and inspired the Muses to create masterpieces that celebrated the joys of life.   As the universe continues to expand and transform, Nyx remains an eternal beacon of pleasure. Her teachings guide beings toward the heights of ecstasy and fulfillment, embracing the boundless possibilities of a joyful and meaningful existence.

    Gender Identity

    Nyx is identified as a woman, a being of pure pleasure and bliss.


    Nyx is sexually fluid, as her followers of all types claim that Nyx was their at their times of ultimate pleasure.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Nyx has witnessed the evolution of pleasure through countless civilizations, adapting her teachings to meet the changing needs of mortals. She has faced opposition from those who fear or condemn pleasure, but her unwavering belief in its transformative nature sustains her. As the universe expands and transforms, Nyx's influence and wisdom continue to guide beings toward the heights of ecstasy and fulfillment.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Taboos and sociatal norms are things that are to broken

    Personality Characteristics


    To spread joy, ecstasy, and fulfillment throughout the cosmos. To inspire mortals to embrace their passions and experience the myriad delights of existence. To challenge societal norms and taboos that seek to suppress pleasure and desire.
    Divine Classification
    Goddess of Pleasure, Lady of Bliss
    Ageless, when people claim to see her, the age appears anywhere from 18 to 50
    Feminine, her clothes are that of loose fabric that seem to hold on her, while dancing around her at the same time
    Blue with a cosmic allure
    Long and flowing, a rainbow of color at the end
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Goddess of Pleasure
    Known Languages
    Those who claim to have interacted with her say that she speaks in their language.
    Founded Settlements
    Ruled Locations


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