
We are children of the stars, and all stars are siblings, bound by the darkness between. - Spacer Proverb   The vast expanse of the Zephyrian Galaxy harbors a unique lineage of interstellar pioneers: the Spacers. Unlike the sprawling empires of the galactic core, the Spacers are nomads, their lives intricately woven with the tapestry of the cosmos.   Spacers are a tightly-knit community bound by a shared history of displacement and a deep reverence for their nomadic heritage. They prioritize self-reliance, adaptability, and a strong sense of belonging. They value individuality while emphasizing the importance of collective well-being. Spacers value community above all else. They live in tight-knit, nomadic clans that travel through the galaxy in massive starships. Each clan has its own distinct history, traditions, and rituals, but they share a common bond of kinship and a shared sense of adventure.


Shared customary codes and values

Spacers are travelers, looking for their permanent home.  Because of this, Spacers believe in the following values:   Adaptability: They embrace change and thrive in unfamiliar environments. Sustainability: They respect the cosmic ecosystem and seek to live in harmony with the universe. Unity: They prioritize the well-being of their community and support one another. Curiosity: They have an insatiable desire for knowledge and exploration. Legacy: They strive to leave a meaningful imprint on the cosmos and inspire future generations.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Names among Spacers often reflect their connection to the stars. Children receive names inspired by celestial bodies, constellations, and cosmic phenomena. For example, "Celesta" signifies a connection to the celestial sphere, while "Nova" represents a burst of energy. As a rite of passage, when old enough, Spacers adopt two names: a personal name and a clan name. Personal names are often short, easy to pronounce, and reflect the individual's personality or aspirations. Clan names signify their familial lineage and deep connection to their nomadic community.

Coming of Age Rites

After a Spacer has renamed themselves, they venture forth into a three stage rite of passage.  These are done in time with the seasons of change.   The Telling of the Stars: A ceremony where young adults recount their personal journeys and aspirations.   The Crossing of the Abyss: A dangerous voyage through a cosmic anomaly that tests courage and resilience.   The Dance of the Wanderers: A celebratory performance that showcases the Spacers' nomadic spirit.


Courtship Ideals

Courtship among Spacers is a delicate process rich in symbolism. When a Spacer wishes to woo a potential partner, they create a unique piece of art that represents their connection to the cosmos. This art is then presented as a gift, and if accepted, the courtship begins. Spacers believe in free love and the importance of compatibility. Courtship rituals vary but often involve shared experiences and demonstrations of affection. Marriages are egalitarian and focused on mutual support and companionship.


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