The Blaster's Rest

High above the desolate atmosphere of Cloacina, the floating cities teem with life. A tapestry of metal and chrome, each city a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of its inhabitants. And within these vibrant, chaotic hives of industry and commerce lies The Blaster's Rest, a cantina unlike any other.   Built within a repurposed starship hangar, The Blaster's Rest is a monument to the planet's past. Its colossal metal frame echoes with the ghosts of forgotten voyages. The air hums with a symphony of chatter, laughter, and the occasional clink of a blaster being checked. Here, amongst the swirling smoke of exotic spices and the glow of flickering holo-displays, a strange peace reigns.   The Blaster's Rest is a haven for all - smugglers, bounty hunters, mercenaries, even the occasional corporate executive seeking a moment of escape. But the cantina's true heart is its unique rule: **No fighting**.   This isn't just a suggestion. Any violation of this sacred decree is met with swift and brutal punishment. Many whisper tales of their methods - swift, efficient, and terrifyingly effective. One glance at the scarred and vacant eyes of the cantina regulars confirms the rumors.   Despite the threat of violence, The Blaster's Rest is a place of camaraderie. It's a place where deals are brokered, information is bartered, and grudges are temporarily shelved. The cantina is a neutral ground, a sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the endless conflicts that plague the floating cities.   The walls of the cantina are adorned with an eclectic mix of memorabilia - faded star charts, worn-out propaganda posters, and an array of blaster holsters of the retired and the ones who violated the one rule, each with its own story to tell. At the heart of the cantina lies a massive, ancient bar, its polished metal surface bearing the scars of countless drinks and whispered conversations. Here, the patrons lean in, their eyes scanning the faces around them, searching for clues, potential allies, or perhaps just a moment of respite from the relentless grind of survival.   The Blaster's Rest is a testament to the enduring spacer spirit, a beacon of hope in a chaotic world. It is a place where even the most hardened criminals can find solace, a place where the echoes of violence are replaced by the comforting murmur of conversation, a place where, for a brief moment, even the stars seem to hold their breath.

Purpose / Function

Originally a spacport for passing ships, when the great exodus ended, Janx, a freelance information broker opened it as a neutral ground for deal making and general credit sharing. The No Fighting rule is a commandment. Fighting in the cantina is bad for business, and no one wants that.


Once a large area big enough for a light freighter, the inside has been completed converted with snug style booths for private deals, and an ancient weathered bar in the center is used for those just grabbing a drink on their way to other adventures.


The walls are concrete and steel, like all other buildings on the floating cities.


Defenses are not a concern, as the patrons would certainly take arms to protect the bar, and all the secrets within.


Spacers looking to "have a story" about their time on Cloacina are turned away by the regulars.  This is a place of business.  Nothing more.  It is a place for people to share a drink and a secret, perhaps make a credit or two.
Alternative Names
The Rest


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