Anna Stone


Anna Stone is a reclusive old female gnome wizard who lives in a wooden shack atop Mount Foss. With razor-sharp wit and over a hundred years of magic field research, she is both incredibly powerful and knowledgable. She has a strong sense of justice, and while no one would call her kind-hearted, she would always put herself at risk to protect others. Her personality is a mix of a stern but caring professor from her years teaching and an insatiably curious scientist from her decades studying the mysteries of the Cloud Sea.   While she is Aleran, she isn't particularly devout, and if questioned about her past will give evasive answers or directly refuse to share until she knows you better. When the topic is brought up, she will always look a bit sad as she recollects her past experiences but won't willingly share more.  


Anna is a short female gnome wizard. She has wrinkled, windbeaten ebony skin which gives the look of someone who traveled extensively on the sea when she was younger--like an old sailor or fisherman might have. Her large dark purple robe practically devours her tiny frame, while a large purple wizard's hat and shining silver spectacles frame her head and face. She walks with a slight limp using a simple yet sturdy wooden staff whose gnarled top looks like it used to hold a large gem or ornament of some kind. She always has a stern and piercing look on her face which invites conversation with no shennanigans.
Current Location
Current Residence
Hut on Mount Foss
Other Affiliations
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