
Name: Dirge Jorah Draxit
Physical Description: A middle-aged human male with short brown hair and a thick beard. He has a muscular build and a tan complexion from working outdoors. He wears a simple shirt and trousers, and a leather apron with various pockets and hooks.
Distinguishing Features: He has a friendly and calm demeanor, and a deep voice that can be heard across the tavern. He is well-respected and well-liked by his customers and the townsfolk, who often come to him for advice or a drink. He runs a fair and honest business, and does not tolerate any trouble or violence in his establishment. He knows how to handle himself in a fight, and can swiftly deal with any rowdy or unruly patrons. He is loyal and protective of the town and its people, and will not hesitate to stand up to any threats or dangers.
Motivations He wants to honor his father’s memory and legacy, and uphold the values and traditions of his family and his town.
  • Owner and barkeeper of Bent Hook tavern
  • Husband, Tram, is an orc fisherman who pulls in most of the fish for the tavern. They have a loving and well accepted relationship
  • Father was foreman of Foss Mines and was lost in the collapse 40 years ago
  • He is also on the city council, and represents the interests of the common folk and the small businesses.
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Voice: Deep, calm, male voice with slight Canadian accent. ("Oy, I'm Dirge, how cahn I 'elp yoo? Behn needin' a rooom fur da night egh?"). Really just deep Josh voice. Bond: Will protect Skyfoss and its people. Flaw: Lost his father in the mining collapse and is deathly afraid of the mines. Relationships: Husband, Tram, is an orc fisherman and pulls in most of the fish for the tavern. Dirge is on the city council.