Dr Gnivor


Dr Gnivor is always eager to try new experiments on his patients, regardless of the risks or ethics involved. He believes that he is advancing the field of medicine and that his failures are just stepping stones to success. He is cheerful and talkative, but also oblivious and insensitive to the pain and suffering he causes.  


Dr Gnivor is a short and wiry gnome with messy gray hair and a pair of goggles that magnify his eyes. He wears a stained white coat and carries a leather bag full of surgical tools.  

Dr Gnivor's Clinic

As you enter the clinic, you see a sign that reads “Dr Gnivor’s Free Surgery - No Appointment Needed”. You follow the sound of metal clanging and muffled screams to a small room where a gnome in a white coat is operating on a humanoid figure on a table. He looks up at you and smiles, revealing a row of metal teeth. “Hello there, welcome to my clinic! Do you need any surgery? I have some new techniques I want to try out. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt much. Well, maybe a little. Or a lot. But it will be worth it, I promise!”