House Rules

Mostly, Pathfinder 2e remaster rules will be used as-is. As the campaign goes on, we may tweak rules slightly around ship combat. The goals of any house rules will be to make play more enjoyable and streamlined.   Here are the current house rules  
  • All shopping is done async via Discord. Settlements have a level, and any common good of that level or lower can be bought for its list price from that settlement unless otherwise noted by the DM. For equipment not covered by those rules, inquire with the GM between sessions for how to acquire.
  • PvP or unexpected PvE combat will always need approval from the full group before proceeding. If anyone vetoes, the GM will overrule and narrate the scene to prevent the attempted conflict from occurring.
  • Using a Hero Point can never result in a lower degree of failure. This means using a Hero Point on a Failure will never result in a Critical Failure, but using a Hero Point on a Success can result in a Failure or even Critical Failure.
  • When available, chocolate will be gifted to players when they must make a death save. Dying is always easier with chocolate.