Priestess X

Born from a typical clutch of eggs in the Nagaji capital city, X was given the birth name of Enhat by an egg caregiver. She was born a quiet child into a quiet home. Her parents were unremarkable lower-rung citizens, and her clutchmates were uninspiring. It was through Qharaxia, Goddess of the Moon, that Enhat found solace and belonging. After being rejected by the church from official priesthood after almost two decades of devout study, worship, and practice, Enhat decided the title isn't what makes the priestess. She departed from the capital city--an action denounced by most Nagaji--and, as nameless penance, donned the adulthood name X to roam Cloudera to perform funeral rites for the dead in the name of Qharaxia. She values many things, but namely, and above all: cyclical integrity, individual fate, and the sanctity of the soul.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

X is a "royal" Nagaji, meaning rather than the bipedal appearance her ancestors and some neighbors may showcase, she boasts a snake's cylindrical lower half, ending in a tipped, pointed tail.
While she is on the heavier side of female Nagaji, it's primarily due to the immense length and girth of her lower half; 10+ total feet of Nagaji tends to be pretty hefty, and X is no eXception.
Contrary to her thick lower half, X is somewhat on the lighter end from the waist up. She has long, slender arms that compliment her slim head, and her humanoid hands are willowy.

Facial Features

Her vibrant amber eyes are slightly tilted to a degree on each side of her head, giving her a natural leer even when she doesn't intend it. Her rows of thin and jagged python teeth are naturally rested and hidden behind an overbiting upper lip.
The patterns on her scales make it seem from a distance like she has dark brows furrowing just behind her eyes, alluding to and furthering the effect of her natural grimace.

Physical quirks

When she's thinking or stressed, the last ~foot of her tail absentmindedly coils and uncoils, almost akin to a long bearded wizard would stroke his hand through his facial hair while preparing a ritual.
When she's bored--which rarely ever happens, since most of her free time or thinking goes into worshipping her goddess or fawning over Kwii--she plays with her extremely long and forked tongue by folding and tying it in different ways.

Apparel & Accessories

She almost always wears her daily grey woolen cardigan, which spans from the top of her shoulders to roughly two feet below her waist. It was a gift from an elderly merchant whose husband she had buried years back.
If she's performing burial rites or rituals otherwise, she dons her gold-inlaid patterned white silk robes. From the cuffs of the sleeves to the bottom hem that nearly touches the ground, it flows like snow through a wintry storm. With how lightweight it is, and given the right wave of the arms, it almost feels ethereal in how slowly it takes to catch up with gravity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(See background Doc)

Gender Identity





Nagaji as a species are innately very inquisitive about the world outside their culture, and thus, their culture is that of knowledge. X is almost no different; even as a child, she was very apt to library excursions and the like. However, once she learned of Qharaxia at the age of 11, she knew her calling, and instead of reading miscellaneous entemology studies or Dwarven cultural analyses, she focused nearly entirely on studying and worshipping her goddess.


Her standard of practicing burial rites is a no-payment policy. She does not charge people in her priesthood. Instead, most clients will offer her rewards for her deeds, ranging from gold to keepsakes to everyday items. If she starts running low on funds from her practices, she occasionally picks up the odd job posted around town--typically something inconspicuous and low-key.

Morality & Philosophy

The three cornerstones of X's life philosophy are also the ones impressed upon the followers of Qharaxia:
  • Cyclic balance
  • Fate of the individual
  • Sanctity of the soul
In other words, she believes in keeping the balance of life and death, that everyone and everything has a purpose along their winding road of life, and that life outside the bounds of death (and vice versa) is heresy, unholy, and vile.

X is a near-nameless Nagaji Priestess of Qharaxia, Goddess of the Moon. Her outlook on life is, "What will be will be," and she strives in all aspects to uphold the teachings and beliefs of Qharaxia: cyclic order and fate.

View Character Profile
True Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Faded Tan, Black, & White Pattern
10' 4", Head to Tail
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Muan, and Nagaji.