Lota McGruff


A fiercely local behemoth of a dwarf, Lota is Captain Guff McGruff's First Mate and younger sister. Despite being a dwarf, she has an imposing presence but is quite friendly and never takes life too seriously. She lives every day to its fullest, and often teases men and cracks jokes about her massive size. Like her brother, she has giant's blood, but it didn't manifest in him the same way.  


Possibly the largest dwarf in the world, Lota is over 6 foot tall and as wide as a door. She relishes in her size and flaunts her large bust and rippling biceps. Even when swinging between ropes on the ship, she totes a white blouse, brightly colored skirt and no shoes.  
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Deep, hoarse voice, confident, self loving, mildly sensual (intentionally because she finds it amusing)  