Port of Eekle

In Eekle, you can find all matter of goods including plenty you really shouldn't be seen carrying around. It is a small, always busy trading hub that is packed full of peddlers, charlatans, and once in a great while an honest merchant. While it may not be reputable, folks rarely ask questions so it has become a haven for offloading unsanctioned cargo and looking for discount goods. Despite the town being relatively small, the docks are massive and sprawling.
As you approach the Port of Eekle, you see a swarm of ships and boats of all shapes and sizes, crowding the waters like a flock of hungry seagulls. The air is filled with the sounds of shouting, haggling, and clanging metal, as well as the smells of salt, fish, and spices. You make your way through the narrow streets, dodging carts, barrels, and beggars, and keeping an eye on your belongings. You notice that the people here are a diverse lot, some wearing fine clothes and jewelry, others ragged and dirty. You see humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, and even some more exotic races, such as orcs, goblins, and lizardfolk. You realize that this is a place where anything can be bought or sold, no matter how rare or illegal. You also sense that this is a place where danger lurks in every corner, and where trust is a rare commodity.