
Name: Rix
Physical Description: A male goblin with green skin, yellow eyes, and pointed ears. He has a wiry frame and a long nose. He wears a leather vest and pants, and a hooded cloak made of animal skins. He also has a quiver of arrows and a longbow slung over his shoulder.
Distinguishing Features: He has a vulgar and disrespectful attitude, and a foul mouth. He often insults and mocks his clients and his enemies, and does not care about manners or etiquette. He will take any job that pays well, no matter how dangerous or shady. He despises fancy folks and charlatans, and thinks they are all liars and cheats. He lives off the land and is an expert archer. He can track and hunt any creature, and knows how to use the natural resources to his advantage. He also provides escorts and gathers ingredients for locals who need his services.