History of Cloudera

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    The Coming of the Cloud Sea
    Disaster / Destruction

    A giant deadly storm from heralded in the Cloud sea. Within six months 95% of land was covered and anyone the Cloud Sea swept over was lost forever. Approximately 99% of the world population died and many races and societies were lost to history.

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    Aleran Shipbuilding
    Discovery, Scientific

    Aleran shipbuilders manage to adapt their ships to sail in the Cloud Sea.

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    Aleran Colonization
    Era beginning/end

    Alera begins mass producing colonization ships and sending ill equipt settlers to the seas to discover and settle islands. Most ships and people are lost, but enough are sent that they manage to settle most of the local area and quite a few islands across the world.

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    Rise of Independant Colonies
    Era beginning/end

    Between the Alera colonies which were far from home and other surviving groups scattered across the world finally beging to expand, and unprecidented age of colonization began which was outside Aleran control. Hundreds of new colonies were formed which opperated independantly of Alera.

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    Aleran Conquest

    Threatened by the rise of so many independant colonies, Alera built up a powerful navy and began conquering independant islands. This was an expensive and far reaching effort and high domestic taxes and constripts were levied.

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    The Collective of Independant Islands

    With their independance threatend by Alerans, twenty powerful independant colonies joined together for fight back against Aleran conquests. The Collection of Independant Colonies was formed.

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    The First War
    Military: War

    After quickly gaining new members and building up strength, The Collective formally declared war on Alera. While technilogically inferior, they used effective gorilla and sabteur tactics to halt Aleran conquests.

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    Second War
    Military: War

    A long and brutal territorial war between Alera and The Collective. Battles were fought over territory, shipping lanes, and fishing grounds.

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    The Red Fleet

    The Red Fleet proclaims themselves as the Pirate Nation and refutes both Aleran and The Collective claims to the seas which they claim are everyone's right.

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    The Sacking of Thesa
    Criminal Activity

    The Red Fleet manages to successfully attack and infiltrate the Aleran capital of Thesa while the bulk of the navy was away. They broke into the Keep and the Tower before promptly retreating. It was less a battle, and more a city sized criminal oppertation. Alera downplays the event and will disclose what was taken.

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    The Armistice
    Military: War

    After being embarrased from the Red Fleet and with huge domestic pressure, Alera negotiates an armistice with The Collective. Both sides agree to territory lines which their navies will not cross and that members will not establish new colonies outside their territory.