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Item Number: 087 ================================================= Level 2
Subitem Number: 087-Aㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Restricted

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Special Containment Procedures: Subject-087-A has no Special Containment Procedures at the current stage. Containment Procedures used to be 24/7 surveillance of Mothertrees and instant termination of all rising Subject-087-A's.

Description: Subject-087-A consists out of raised Druids and Archdruids. They are larger, more powerful and indisputably more dangerous to their living counterparts, seeking revenge upon whomever is harming their home. Those Druids are brought back involuntarily by their respective forest in times of great need, if they are not creations of the Mothertree's themselves. They keep all their knowledge, but lack most druidic abilities. Subject-087-A, also known as Duragh or Corrupted Druid, comes in different forms. The roles of Subject-087-A can vary from defending their Mothertree to exacting revenge. They die their final deaths under one of two conditions: their Mothertree is killed or they complete their mission. Subject-087-A is easily identifiable through their unique appearance:

- Stone masks
- Tall stature, often breaching 7ft.
- Animal features such as antlers, hooves, wings and much more
- Painted Bone masks or animal skulls
Discovery of Subject-087-A: Duraghs, Subject-087-A, and their respective Mothertrees, Subject-087, where one of the first Anomalies recorded by the Department for Defense against abstract Warfare on 12. July of 1921. Originally Subject-087-A was peaceful, acting as an envoy for Subject-087. They brought the leaders of humankind the messages of global warming and the end of the world as they knew it, if they kept up their exploitation of Adam-6. The Congress made promises, but never kept any. They swept their existence under the rug, keeping Subject-087 and Subject-087-A a secret. The situation became increasingly grim over the next centuries, including World War II, and Subject-087-A was forgotten. On the 11. May of 2034 Subject-087-A came to rise once more, starting to tackle Cities, Villages, Towns and the people itself. Intergalactic Containment Division, formerly known as the Global Containment Division, started to contain Subject-087-A with force and military might. Containing Subject-087-A was costly, they had to 24/7 monitor Subject-087's and instantly kill of newly rising Subject-087-A's. Killing Subject-087's wasn't an option at the time, as it was to vital for human survival on the planet. Subject-087 and its minions Subjects-087-A were left behind on Adam-6 once humanity left for Space.

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Subject-021-A: Variation 3

Subject-021-A: Variation 2

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