Emis Faralei

Emis was born as the product of an affair between two nobles. His mother, Raenis Faralei, was a widow and elven woman, she was the leader of her noble house. She was meeting in secret with a human man, Alistair Keaton, a nobleman who was married. Emis was despised by his father for representing his affair and never held contact with him. To Alistair, the risk of his legitimate child represented a risk to his reputation, position, and marriage.   Emis was raised by his mother where he was taught by fine tutors and learned much. Emis didn't often leave his home, because of being a half-elf his mother's family and elven society wouldn't look favorably upon him. Instead, he spent his time learning or exploring the woods alone.   It was alone in the woods where Emis found peace and it was where he spent most of his time aside from learning, one day he happened upon a wolf, or what had appeared to be a wolf. The wolf stood up on both legs and bit Emis before he managed to escape, nothing seemed to change but Emis could feel it, that bite unlocked something in him.   It was years later when his mother took both of them on a trip, It was on this trip that Emis found his magical capabilities as a druid, but not until after his mother was killed. Emis was in his room for the night when he heard something down the hall, he left his room silently and crept down the hall and peered into the ajar door of his mother's room. Inside he found a human assassin above his mother's bloodied body, The assassin had a strange crest of a four-winged crow and they wielded a serrated pitch-black blade. Emis fled into the woods and for the first time used his magic to create vines on the ground behind him keeping his pursuer from following. Emis then wild-shaped for the first time. Emis took the form of an owl and flew off into the night.   Emis believes that the human assassins were likely connected to his father, but with his mother gone, he no longer wanted to be in any societies and instead lived just like an animal in the wilds. He stayed deep in forests for years, becoming no more than an animal himself, hunting meals, sleeping in trees, bathing in streams, and flying. While he stayed in the woods he fought off any humans that he found, whether in bear form or as a wolf, or even a very angry squirrel one time. One adventurer who was traveling through the forest fought him and lost but continued to come back several times, the adventurer undoubtedly understood Emis wasn't just an animal as after the second time began to be able to pick him out in animal form regardless of which one.   They've fought several times in the forest each time Emis was able to send the adventurer packing, even having lost Emis would regroup before taking his bear form to drive them off. Having had the first contact in a while with someone Emis began to feel alone in the woods and eventually, he visited a village where he met Maat. Maat a half-orc saw Emis in animal form led him to his house and fed him. Emis enjoyed just silently soaking in the presence of someone else and regularly showed up at his house when he was feeling down. Emis never revealed himself to be an intelligent being and only showed up in the same form each time.