Garus Silenus

Garus is from the Fey Wildes, a plane adjacent to the material plane and the opposite of the Shadowfell. While the shadow fell is dark and stagnant the fey wilde is effervescent and chaotic. Garus is part of a community of tribes, these tribes are similar to another Fey wilde native species the Satyr, their abilities and natures are very similar but their bodies and appearances differ. While Satyr are half human with goat hooves and horns Garus's people are half human and half another animal. Garus himself is half wolf/dog and he has white wolven ears on his head and a white tail. His eyes are animal-like and the pupils are slit-shaped, he has some white fur on his arms and legs but also wears animal pelts with fur dyed to match his hair. Unlike a satyr Garus has humanoid arms and legs, just his teeth being sharper than normal allowing him to attack with them how satyrs attack with their horns. Coming from the Fey wilde Satyr's and Garus's people the Fanalis are different from regular humans, Garus is able to jump far distances and his unique makeup provides some protection from magical energy.   Garus was raised in a clan of Fanalis, one of several small tribes that lived and hunted on one of the Fey Wilde's plains. The mystical grasslands were home to numerous fey beasts and bizarre phenomena that Garus grew up around. Like any proper Fanalis Hunter Garus learned from a very young age to always keep an eye out for danger and he became especially skilled at avoiding disastrous effects (Barbarian Danger sense), his wolven senses even allowed him to sense some things before they happened (Feral Instinct). Garus was gifted an ancestral item of power, a magical belt he always makes sure to wear that grants a warrior of his tribe phenomenal strength despite his early years and small stature. Garus is older than most humans but because of the Fey Wilde's strange flow of time he is still a child compared to the rest of his kind, the belt was a gift from the current chieftain of the Úlfur tribe marking his status as a naturally skilled warrior and a favored candidate to become the next chieftain. Chieftains in the Fanalis are determined via competition as they age, then when the prospects are all fully grown the current chieftain picks one to replace him. It is considered a grave offense to harm another candidate even by accident, and unfortunately for Garus a very serious crime to kill another candidate. Garus is prone to fits of rage, but he'd learned to channel the spirit of the fey wildes into his anger to summon forth great strength (totem spirits), one such entity he often entwined with himself was the Jabberwock a dragon-like fey creature famed among the tribe, and Garus took on the Jabberwock's as he sacred guiding animal while most of the Úlfur tribe emulated their closest animal relative the wolf or Direwolves as exist in the fey wild.   During a hunting tribe with several of the candidates, Garus among the youngest of the group, and the young Fanalis had a dream of his totem spirit. The dream guided him the next day to find the first Jabberwock he'd ever met, it was a strange and grand creature and despite it not speaking words Garus could understand it, it gave him a test to deepen his connection with the Fey spirit. Garus left to complete said mission but his trail led the rest of the hunting party to the cave where the Jabberwock slept awaiting his return. Garus returned to the cave to find the creature slain with the other candidates collecting its remains. Garus's vision turned red and he picked up one of the candidate's own weapons and eviscerated him. He turned against the other candidates and slew them and collected their magical items, marking them as chieftain hopefuls. Garus returned to his tribe and was branded a traitor and outcast to be hunted down leading to him fleeing, it is only through luck that he managed to stumble upon a fey crossing, a natural place where the Material Plane and Fey wilde mirror each other so closely one can walk right through.   Garus continued to run and found himself quickly lost on the material plane. The young Fanalis decides to find himself some allies so that one day he might return and rectify his status with his tribe and become Chieftain as he'd trained to be.