Order of Sea and Stone

[size=32px]Order of Sea and Stone[/size]   [size=16px]![oosaslogo.png](/assets/dnd/slaverincampaign/oosaslogo.png =250x)[/size]   [size=16px][list] [*]DM Character Notes and Secrets[/list][/size] [size=24px]Description[/size]   [size=16px]The Order of Sea and Stone, founded by Meklen Armash in 105 CR, began as an order of Paladins dedicated to the protection of Coia's coastal regions and the enigmatic Stone Gates. Funded by merchants with an interest in using the Gates to mine and trade resources, the Order came to protect the gates like holy relics. [/size]   [size=16px]While the Order tried to keep the location of the Gates secret, word spread. More merchants started using the gates to get access to Coia's many resources. Industrious merchants prospered, and the extra wealth flowed downstream to the Order, allowing them to grow their ranks and build the Fortress of Whisperwind, which became their headqurters. [/size]   [size=16px]Within the Order, one of the highest honors a member could achieve is the rank of Sentry, devoting their life to protecting an assigned Stone Gate. The Sentry lives out their days as a steadfast guardian, ensuring the gates remain secure and free from unauthorized use.[/size]   [size=16px]Anyone seeking to use the Gates were required to apply to the House of Silk. When the House of Silk began to impose generational slavery as a criminal punishment for multiple offenses, what was already an uncomfortable alliance grew more strained. The Order never condoned enslaving people; however, the alternative, destroying the Gates, would bring far worse for every citizen of Coia. So, the Order maintained a delicate balance, cooperating with the House of Silk while internally grappling with the moral implications of the alliance.[/size]   [size=16px]The Order itself also grew in power over time, enough to vocally, but only vocally, support an abolitionist rebellion against the House of Silk. In 280 CR, an event still spoken of in hushed tones, a dragon attacked the Order in their Stronghold and nearly wiped them out. The rebellion quickly faltered not long afterward. As a result, what remained of the Order, licking their wounds, sought refuge and established new headquarters in Rueside, under the smirking patronage and watchful eyes of The House of Silk.[/size]   [size=24px]Information[/size]   [size=16px][list] [*]Headquarters Location: Rueside, Chichingia [*]Notable Members[size=16px][list] [*]Andrei Malring [*]Borin Stonehammer[/list][/size][/list][/size] [size=24px]Relations[/size]   [size=16px][list] [*]House of Silk [size=16px][list] [*]They have an uncomfortable alliance. While the Order does not approve of slavery, the alternative would require destroying the gates, an outcome that would be far worse for everyone in Coia.[/list][/size] [*]The Unchained[size=16px][list] [*]Due to their patron, the Order can not openly support the newly emerged abolitionist movement calling itself the Unchained. However, they also refrain from actively hindering the movement's efforts as long as it does not directly conflict with the interests of the Order. [*]One point of contention is the Stone Gates. The Unchained wants to destroy them, but the Order keeps them well protected.[/list][/size][/list][/size]
Religious, Divine Host