Pelonious Pomp

Pelonious Pomp was born into a world of privilege and luxury, the only child of wealthy nobles. From the moment he entered the world, he was groomed to become a Paladin like his father before him. His parents instilled in him a sense of duty and purpose, teaching him that it was his destiny to ensure the protection of the state of Coia.   Pelonious grew up in a sprawling estate in the heart of Coia's city. His days were filled with lessons in swordplay and theology by his distracted tutor. His evenings were spent attending the lavish banquets and social gatherings of the nobility. The opulence of every facet of his life, surrounded with servants and attendants that catered to his every need, reminded Pelonious daily that it was his duty, and his alone, to preserve the world.   Pelonious's only childhood friend was Mithac, daughter of one of the estate's servants. She was slighlty older than him and would sit in on his tutoring lessons paying far closer attention than he ever did. Despite her social standing, Pelonious enjoyed spending time playing in the gardens and exploring the woods with Mithac.   When she was twelve years old's, Mithac's parents sent her to a nunnery. He just woke up one morning, and she was gone. Pelonious never knew the circumstances and had no contact from her after that. After Mithac left, Pelonius focused on his training to become a Paladin. He was a good fighter, but struggled with the theology. He had a crawling thirst for danger that never seemed to subside. Looking for any chance to prove to himself, he began picking bad fights with the wrong people.   After being nearly beaten to death for the third time, his parents decided to use Pelonious's thirst for adventure for their own good. A band of thieves had been raiding nearby villages, killing dozens of innocent people with each attack. With some coin from his parents, Pelonious rallied a group of men from town and set out to hunt down the thieves. They tracked the thieves to a wide cave and charged in with weapons drawn, dispatching the entire band of thieves at great cost. Only Pelonious emerged from the cave alive. He was hailed as a hero, although some wondered how he came back so unscathed.   Pelonious continued hunting, dispatching bandits and trolls, goblins and demons. These small missions kept him satisfied, but only barely. He longed for his chance to mark the world.   Then Mithac showed up again and asked him for help...