UT02: Roping and Drinking

General Summary

Remaining in the safety of the cave for the night, the group headed back to town the following morning. On the walk, Wolfgang told them more about the hard times Herthe was going through.   The magistrates from Coia had been raising the taxes higher than what the town could afford and without the mill being in operation, the future looked pretty dim. They hadn’t been able to attract a miller because there had been some strange sightings of possible monsters in the basement of the Mill.   When they reached town, Shannon went back to the library to check on Julianna Birch and see if she could identify the scrolls they found. Tonks decided to return to the tavern and try to chat up the locals. Ox, Red and Uriel decided to check out the Mill.   Down in the basement they came across a Roper demon who they killed and looted, cutting off the tentacles and using its stomach as a bag.

Rewards Granted

  • Javelin of Lightning
  • Headband of Intellect
  • Adamantine Chain Shirt
  • Crystal Rapier
  • 3 Moonstones (50 gp each)
  • Tendrils (5 tendrils, 50ft of rope, sticks to any surface)
  • 23 copper
The Unholy Trinity
Shannon Roxley
Ozan Redberry
Tonks Nïhlson
Rhol Colbrood
Uriel Astra
Report Date
29 Jan 2024
Primary Location