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Butlers' Compendium

by hughpierre
The compendium is a collection of the professional and factual experiences written by valets about the master they served.


Its purpose is two-fold:
  1. As a source on the background of potential bosses; for those seeking employment
  2. As a guide in handling real-life crises for new butlers
Unofficially, members would occasionally peruse the older editions for their comedic amusement.

Document Structure



Each entry is dedicated to a specific employer and includes basic information like their name, title, address and position. The bulk of each profile focuses on personal characteristics including eccentricities in daily routines and more scandalous behaviour; all carefully observed by the valet or butler. Any notable actions, such as dishonourable or socially embarrassing behaviour are also recorded.   At the end of an entry, there might be notes advising other valets or butlers on whether to avoid the employer entirely or how to best manage their more difficult traits.


All members are required to make detailed notes about their employers' misdeeds or personal quirks. Keeping this record is meant to ensure that members can avoid working for unsavory people in the future.

Publication Status

Every butler member must record every significant event during their service to their particular master into the club's book. However, members are also required to maintain discretion about their employers' private lives. Former or otherwise.

Legal status

They are off-limits to employers, potential employers, retired members and anyone outside the club. Its contents are reserved for the members' private use in helping them navigate their professional lives.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

Although the book contains sensitive information about many notable people, its contents are only accessible to club members and are strictly confidential. Unless revealing the information would serve a critical purpose.


There are twelve volumes containing the testimonies of eighty years of manservants inservice to the middle and upper echelons of society. Each book volume is thick, bound in stamped leather and as wide as a man's chest.

Manual, Professional Skills
Blood Teller
Item | Mar 2, 2024