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Razorback (ray-zer-back)

(a.k.a. Erymanthian boar | Calydonian boar | Gullinbursti)

Razorback is a rugged entelodont kaiju occupying the landscape of China and possesses an even meaner attitude than boars.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Razorback is an immensely tough kaiju, sporting boar-like strength and ferocity. Its bulk and hide are highly durable even among kaiju.

Facial Features

It uses the undertusks on its chin to dig as well as stab opponents that get too close. Its long mouth tusks and crushing bite force can even tear through solid concrete and metal. A crescent scar is present under its left eye.

Identifying Characteristics

Although it is not a pig, Razorback is named after the infamous bristled boars of the Americas and Australia because of its quilled hide. The porcupine-esque quills offer further defensive capabilities to its already muscular form. Its long tail is used to whack its opponents and destroy buildings in a similar fashion to stegosaurs. In fact, quills can even be launched out and thrown like spears at its designated target. The bone-like osteoderms jutting from its shoulders are not only defensive options but also crush and pulverize when it tackles its opponents, as are the ones on its tail when smacked.

Special abilities

Like all other kaiju, Razorback also possesses an advanced healing factor, able to heal broken bones and damaged body parts that would be unsalvagable for normal animals. Its thick hide and musculature can shrug off conventional human artillery and stand up to more unconventional mecha weaponry. Its regenerative healing abilities plus the advanced amniotic-addled DNA has made Razorback immortal, only killable via starvation or another kaiju.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Species description: Entelodon indomitus
  • Biological basis: Entelodon
  • Diet: Omnivorous
The infamous entelodonts rose to prominence during the Paleogene Period of the Cenozoic Era, widespread across North America and Eurasia. One unfortunate specimen fell into an underground pit full of the great amniotic fluid, trapping it within. The prison would ironically be its salvation as it would survive and outlive its fellow entelodonts into the human era.

The evolved specimen slumbered in hibernation for millions of years within what would become Mount Erymanthos, where it was discovered by intrepid Greek explorers. King Oeneus of Calydon took great interest in the kaiju and boasted of its existence to fellow leaders but kept its location secret to keep it himself. He would have his architects build inside the cave and reform the stone in order to study the kaiju, guard it from those seeking to kill or take it from him, and keep it contained. This would eventually work against him as the kaiju ultimately escaped from its cavern prison as the structural integrity of the cave had been greatly weakened. The countryside of Aetolia was ravaged, with incursions and attacks from Greek soldiers making it worse. Public favor against Oeneus swayed significantly, as widespread belief that the kaiju had been sent by the goddess Artemis as punishment for the king refusing to honor her with tribute during the harvest season. Many adventurers had tried to subdue the creature, but they had all failed. Oeneus would receive aid from King Eurystheusof Tiryns, who had sent his cousin to defeat the kaiju and bring it back to his kingdom as part of his labors. Alcaeus Heracles had proven himself as a champion monster hunter by defeating the Nemean lion cryptid and the giant Hydra kaiju. Heracles led an army of fellow seasoned monster hunters and volunteers to the mountain where it had retreated. Though many lives had been lost, Heracles eventually defeated the kaiju. The entelodont received a scar under its left eye as a permanent reminder of its battle.

Heracles and his remaining men chained the creature up and dragged it across Arcadia all the way to Tiryns, where the man was honored and praised for his triumph. Despite being fearful of its presence, King Eurystheus eventually worked up the courage to study it and make his proclamation of his city's success over Oeneus', which only fueled further resentment of the latter. The chains that bound the kaiju would not hold, and it eventually escaped from its prison and returned to the wilds after devastating much of Tiryns. King Oeneus had endured enough humiliation at the kaiju's hands and ordered his son Prince Meleager to gather an army of Greece's greatest warriors to slay the kaiju once and for all. Meleager beseeched the aid of the legendary Argonauts to help slay the foul beast, and they gathered those brave enough to fight alongside them to venture to Calydon. Hundreds of seasoned warriors gathered to slay the beast, including Jason and Theseus. Even Heracles had halted his labors to help aid in the fight. King Thestius of Pleuronians had also sent his sons Iphiclus, Eurypylus, Toxeus, and Plexippus for the cause. The battle was a long and glorious one but ended in the kaiju's defeat. Victory rang across all of Greece, and both Heracles and Meleager were made honorary Argonauts for their courage. The kaiju was to be dragged back to Calydon in chains and executed before Oeneus and the world. Discussion took place of who took ownership of the beast's hide when it was killed, and Meleager declared it would go to the female Argonaut Atalanta for drawing first blood and out of his desire to wed her. Thestius' sons were outraged at such a glorious prize going to a woman. A fight broke out among their ranks which resulted in Meleager killing all Thestius' sons. Even worse was that the kaiju had escaped and fled into the wilds during the fight, killing many. King Thestius was outraged at the murder of his sons and demanded justice, to which Oeneus' wife - Queen Althaea - had Meleager executed.

The kaiju retreated far to the north and lived relatively undisturbed until it was discovered by Viking hunters, who believed the kaiju to be the mythological boar Gullinbursti. They pursued and attempted to catch the creature, but it fled too far east for them to traverse. It would not live too long in peace, as the Mongol Empire would take up the hunt. They chased it deep into China but eventually lost the creature as it had disappeared. In truth, the ground had collapsed underneath it within Guangxii. A group of speleologists uncovered the hibernating creature hundreds of years later, and jurisdiction of it was swiftly taken over by the Chinese government. There it remained and was studied in secret throughout and after the Cold War until it awoke from its slumber. The entelodont kaiju escaped out into the world and rampaged through China until it migrated to the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve.

Intellectual Characteristics

The entelodont is a surprisingly observant and smart kaiju, similar to pigs. It takes note of its surroundings and landmarks not by simply smelling but memorizing them.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Razorback generally prefers being isolated and living away from human structures and other kaiju. It will walk and traverse its territory seemingly for fun, resting wherever it wishes. Despite this, it is also immensely quick to anger and will remain frenzied hours after it had destroyed anything in its way. It will often gather up downed helicopters, destroyed tanks, or capsized boats just to teethe on them like chew toys.

Environmental Impact

While it leaves massive destruction in its wake when provoked, its influence on the environment is profound. Its feces is high in protein - both natural and amniotic-addled - and benign nuclear isotopes that - after being absorbed by the soil and filtered into the water - cause immense population booms in the flora and fauna inhabiting its region. Flowering plants and trees will grow wildly, and animals experience high birth rates. Endangered species like the giant panda and giant salamanders have seen significant population booms, and trees grow two to three times higher than normal. Deer populations have exploded, leading to a large surplus of venison available in China. The lumber industry is regularly at odds with Razorback as the creature is quite protective of its cover and food. Boar also gather in abundance around it with the kaiju acting as a sort of protective kindred spirit. Farmers often smuggle soil out of its territory to use as fertilizer in order to boost crop sales, something the Chinese Communist Party had been attempting to crack down on for health and economic concerns. Razorback's effect on the environment has drastically helped solve the ongoing food crisis in China and surrounding nations.

Miscellaneous Information

Despite cautionary advice, the People's Liberation Army still chooses to aggressively pursue and attack the kaiju which only succeeds in making it angrier. Ancient Greek zoologists believed the kaiju to be a giant boar and thus christened it with fitting names such as the Erymanthian boar or the Calydonian boar.


Entelodont kaiju of the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve.

View Character Profile
Current Status
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Accidental exposure to great amniotic fluid
Eurasia, Earth
Current Residence
Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, Hubei, China, Earth
Black quills with grey stripes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan with brown stripes


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