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Yozore (yo-zoor-ray)

(a.k.a. Kraken)

Yozore is a colossal giant squid kaiju and former guardian of Atlantis. It is protective of the Atlantic Ocean it inhabits.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Yozore is unlike any other cephalopod, as it utilizes evolutionary elements found in octopi and cuttlefish despite being a squid.

Facial Features

Instead of two solitary eyes, it sports six of them - three on each side. The beak is instead a fixture of firmer and shorter tentacles as stiff as bones that crush food and latch onto opponents, mirroring the mouth of a sea lamprey.

Special abilities

It can camouflage itself, hunt prey, or deceive enemies during combat. It can both change and alter the shape of its skin by utilizing highly-evolved chromatophores, and it can even hypnotize its opponents by brightly flashing between colors. Yozore possesses a potent venom that - while not fatal to kaiju - can induce nausea, limb numbness, and unconsciousness. It is - however - extremely fatal to regular animals, humans, and cryptids. The ink it secretes is thick as tar, useful for locking opponents into place. The giant cephalopod can also absorb water from its environment and weaponize it as a high-impact water gun, shooting a beam of concentrated liquid at opponents. By clapping its elongated feeding tentacles together, it can create a shockwave to stun opponents and even kill prey items in a fashion similar to the pistol shrimp. Yozore will accentuate its colors, echoing the behavior of a blue-ringed octopus. If an opponent refuses to turn away, the giant squid will relentlessly assault it with bites, tentacle strikes, constriction, and death rolls.   Like all other kaiju, Yozore also possesses an advanced healing factor, able to heal broken and damaged body parts that would be unsalvagable for normal animals. The flexible and thick musculature allows it to shrug off conventional human artillery and stand up to more unconventional mecha weaponry. Its regenerative healing abilities plus the advanced amniotic-addled DNA has made Yozore immortal, only killable via starvation or another kaiju.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Species description: Palaeoteuthis kraki
  • Biological basis: Giant squid
  • Diet: Piscivorous
Civil unrest had grown significantly during the course of the Peloponnesian War, with the destruction and death growing worse between Athens and Sparta. A growing number of people had grown disillusioned with the war and wished to break away from the warring city-states. However, such a task was seen as impossible until a group of skilled artisans, engineers, and scientists came together. Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, extraterrestrials had visited Earth long before. A Greek archaeological expedition stumbled upon a crashed vessel, leading to the discovery of its technology. Though damaged and not fully replaceable, what remained had been repurposed for their own uses. The drive to break away from old cultures combined with new technology and tools culminated in the creation of a new kingdom: Atlantis.

It was built in secret to keep the eyes of war and conquest from fixing upon it, designed to be a mobile underwater city and elevate culture to a new level with their advanced technology, using the great amniotic fluid as a fuel source. The newly christened Atlanteans would explore the world from beneath the ocean, observing the land dwellers and studying the unknown ocean. While exploring, the Atlanteans discovered a giant squid of unparalleled size skulking at the bottom of the ocean. At first, the Atlanteans were terrified as they lacked weaponry, but the enormous cephalopod showed no sign of hostility. It treated their presence as a curiosity rather than a threat. As a result, the Atlanteans named the monster Yozore and adopted it as their guardian monster. The possession of an immense kaiju instilled massive pride within the Atlantean people, as no other society had a weapon of such caliber. The guardian monster could be manipulated via deep-sea sonar technology, emitting morse-code-like pulses that directed it. This combined with their advanced technology gave way to egotism, a sense of invincibility and superiority to their land-based counterparts. They wished to show themselves as a superior culture, leading them to invite the philosopher Plato to their city in order to show him a more modern culture. The invitation ended in disaster as Plato had a fear-induced panic attack at the sight of Yozore. The philosopher was ultimately returned to the surface, and the pride of the Atlanteans was bruised. Plato had been significantly traumatized by the experience and ultimately repressed his memories, which manifested subconsciously into his dialogues Timaeus and Critias.   The Atlanteans remained a secret society and used Yozore to strike against whomever they wished. The giant squid attacked Spartan and Athenian fleets, ancient pre-Nordic and Viking fleets, whalers, and Spanish and Italian vessels venturing into their territory. One of the most prominent battles was between the Atlanteans and the Deep Ones, a sentient species of amphibious fishpeople. The people of Atlantis believed themselves to be the sovereign rulers of the ocean, that it was theirs alone to exploit and the surface dwellers needed their permission to utilize it. The Deep Ones - however - disliked the landwalking mammals intruding in their territory and sent their kaiju guardian Dagon into battle. Yozore fought the giant kaiju and killed it by breaking its neck before biting through the skull and into its brain. The Deep Ones retreated into their underwater city for safety, but Yozore flooded the city with ink and venom, killing the entire population. This triumph had emboldened the Atlanteans and engaged in a genocidal war against the Deep Ones which culminated in each city falling one by one until they reached and destroyed their capital city of Y'ha-nthlei off the coast of what would become the United States .

They had grown more arrogant and violent as time went on, outliving their contemporaries and witnessing the world change. Modern society polluted their oceans immensely as well as over-harvested their fish. Yet their own hubris had blinded them, as they were guilty of polluting the ocean and driving many undersea species to extinction. The kaiju had also grown much more resistant to their sonar control. When the time came to declare war on the surface world with Yozore as the tip of their spear, the kaiju ultimately betrayed the Atlanteans and destroyed their city. The population drowned, and the city was dragged to the bottom of the ocean. Yozore was free to wage its own war upon the surface.

Intellectual Characteristics

Like all cephalopods, Yozore possesses problem-solving intelligence, capable of elaborate disguise and even tool usage. However, it is also fiercely territorial of its waters, rarely willing to even share them with other aquatic kaiju. Yozore will often drag souvenirs back to its lair for unknown reasons, and they can range from old ships to bones. The kaiju seems to regard humans and smaller submersibles with either curiosity or ignoring them. However, larger ships and vessels greatly agitate it. Yozore is also quite protective of where it resides as well, taking great lengths to clean up polluted areas and destroy human fixtures.

Environmental Impact

While it leaves massive destruction in its wake when provoked, its influence on the environment is profound. Its feces is high in protein - both natural and amniotic-addled - and benign nuclear isotopes that - after being absorbed by the soil and filtered into the water - cause immense population booms in the flora and fauna inhabiting its region. Fish populations explode exponentially in its presence, as do giant and colossal squids. Commercial fishing is hard in the region it inhabits on account of its massive hostility towards boats, yet its feeding habits keep populations from growing out of control. Coral reefs and the animals that utilize them blossom and flourish, with Yozore cultivating coral as though it tended a flower garden.

Miscellaneous Information

Yozore is known as the Kraken in ancient Scandinavian folklore, as Pre-Nordic and Viking tribes did battle with and hunted the beast for glory. It is believed to be the last cephalopod kaiju in existence after the death of Akkorokamui. Sea-based trade also suffered greatly because of its presence.


Giant squid kaiju of the Atlantic Ocean.

View Character Profile
Atlantis (formerly)
Current Status
Date of Birth
Cretaceous Period
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Atlantic Ocean, Earth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and tan splotches accompanied by blue rings


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