
Once the bath has filled, the effigy will begin construction over the next several days or weeks, depending on the model being produced.   The construction will start with the all important bone structure, created from a tungsten-carbide laced osteofluid. The bath is able to provide a mold of sorts for the bones. It will also start the construction of the central processor, as no matter the model that will take the longest to finish. Once the skeleton is in place, the bath will release a series of Biodrones (a grandmother technology to the Effigy) into the bath to start spinning the softer, more pliable parts of the Effigies body. Skin, flesh, occular organs, etc.   Keep in mind that the bath should be closely monitored at this juncture, both for malformations within the Effigy's construction so they can be fixed before the Effigy is brought to life and for the scent of the bath. If it loses the antiseptic scent it started with and starts to smell sour or rotten, that is a sure sign that the print has failed. If you are unable to monitor the baths directly, give the genetic donor for the the Effigy your contact information, and tell them to inform you if they start to feel anything off. Common symptoms are chills, naseua, and an crushing sense of apprehension or dread.
-Excerpt from Effigies Operation and Construction, by Sofia Faehlmann

Effigies are constructed persons, built from the ground up in labratories to assist in any task that may need doing. They have been, and continue to be, used for manual labor, artisan work, infantry, and many more. Their ability to make human-like decisions with the compuational power of an AI is invaluable in modern life.   Even so, it's not where their true value lies.   Through the process of Entwinement , Effigies can be linked to a human mind, and together they can do things that defy the laws of the universe. By sharing the mental strain that such actions generate, it allows both the Effigy and linked Humans to access things such as telekenesis and related powers, like cryo and pyrokenisis, gravity manipulation, teleportation, the creation and manipulation of plasma, etc. It seems that the possibilities are endless.
Parent Technologies
Sofia Faehlmann, Faehlmann Industries
In some cases, the Effigies realize that they do not need humans to access their powers.


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