The Remnant Fleet

They've been throwing themselves at our defenses all day without a care in the world. If I didn't know better, I'd say they were trying to die! Ha, you only make that mistake once though. Relax for even a second and they'll pounce on you like a jungle cat. Tenacious buggers, I'll give 'em that... speaking of, it looks like their next wave is gathering, you may want to stand farther behind that wall.   What the hell is that?
-Recording found on the planet Boudica, a world stripped by the Remnant Fleet.

When the Fracture war came to its sudden end, not all of the Central Authority forces took the order to disengage and return to Sol to heart. Those that refused the order and remained in the field became the Remnant Fleet.   Scavengers. Marauders. A danger that acts with no reason and comes with no warning.   They do not broadcast any messages before or during their assaults, and seem willing to expend a great deal of manpower for even middling objectives. Despite this, their larger goals seem to remain fairly simple, that being the maintenance of the fleet itself. They attack colonies and convoys for food, weapons, parts, and most concerningly; manpower. They are incredibly fond of taking prisoners.   These prisoners are introduced into the "Civilian Population" of the Remnant fleet that took them, and over time naturalized to it's crew. Inevitably blending in a seemlessly as the rest, though it will take generations for their difference to lose the attributes that would make them stand about


Remnant fleets seem to operate completely independently of each other, and so it is often assumed that each fleet, no matter its size, has its own command structure that can take on any form but is incompatible with other Fleet's methods of command.


This is one of the most mysterious parts of the Remnants.   While it's clear that they have developed a culture of their own, cut off from outside influences, their society is a bit too prickly for regular outside observers. It likely encourages raiding, but through what means is unknown, and it certainly doesn't deny the use of augmentations. In fact, almost every body of the Remnant examined after battles and sieges have had extensive modification done to it at both the genetic and physical level. Some of them are hard to recognize as human when their helmet's face plate has been removed.   Thanks to the studies and efforts of the recently passed Roscoe Burl, it is known that Remnant culture can vary significantly between fleets and individual ships, but their internal culture follows a similar setup, despite their overarching differences.   Every ship is self-contained, and contains two "crews". The first, the combat crew, is the one most are likely to encounter. They man the battle stations of Remnant Ships, deploy as landing forces and boarding parties, as well as act as internal police throughout a ship. They protect the "Civilian crew", which are... shall we say, the opposite of predisposed towards aggression. This 'tribe' often spends most of their time huddled with the other Civilian crewmembers, preparing food, pursuing art (depending on the ship), and raising the ship's young.   How these two crews interact is one of the main differences between these crews, according to Burl, and can be anything between treating the Civilian Crew as slaves, or to them being a separate but equally respected part of the ship. As far as Burl was able to determine, this kind of action, good or bad, is not reinforced by outside beliefs such as religion or a cultural sense of segregation. It seems to simply be born from the tradition of the ship it's on. Passed down through the generations since the Fracture War.
Military, Armed Forces
Alternative Names
The Scavenger Fleets, Earths Pickpockets, Wandering Disaster, Corpse Eaters, the Kings of Dust, Brass Teeth, etc
Predecessor Organization
How they maintain a population sufficient enough for that sort of constant military action, while seemingly not maintaining any sort of planet-based presence is a mystery, and widely theorized about. One can only assume that the Fleet is on a time limit, but that could also be wishful thinking on the galaxy's part.


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