Arch of Sarune

A heavy rainforest stretches in the south of Kavari. Filled with pockets of raw elemental fauna. Tears between the realms are often soft explosions of power leave their mark. Several days walk in to the forest and with a spot of luck one will see a rare and stunning sight. That will likely save their life.
  As if cut from another world and placed among the trees is a natural archway of intertwined elemental limbs and stretching branches. From afar it looks like a half sphere situated on a bed of roots, several colours rolling about it like oil against water.
  Reaching it is a dangerous venture, for it has grown near a broken ley line, the raw power lashes out and its effects batter the nearby forest and those unlucky enough to be nearby. But if one has the will and determination, and a certain amount of divine luck they will find safety below the arch. Where it all meets and curves against the wild there is peace and quiet, the winds bounce away, the fires become cold, the earth is warm and the pool beneath is crystal clear. 
  There is one who dwells beneath the arch, a being born of the life created by the unnatural growth of this protective place. Appearing to those in need of comfort by the fire or a guide to the lost. Many forms do they take but always the eyes remain the colour of raspberries.
  Sarune their name, youthful to look upon, wise when listened to and brimming with curiosity of the outside world. A collector of tales of what its like beyond the wild elemental forest. Sarune is always on the edge of following but never will, knowing that the arch is their home. 
  All those that die trying to make it to the safety of the arch have a pebble cast into the pond by Sarune.


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Aug 5, 2024 01:10 by Lady Wynter

I like what you've done here. It does lead to me to be curious about how magic works in your world and why the ley line is broken. I'm also wondering why reaching this Arch will most likely save one's life. Does it help them get out? Is it a portal? I look forward to seeing more.

Bringing the Light
Aug 6, 2024 10:01 by Adrian Waite

Thank you :)

It's Gravy Time!!