Ashen Berry

On the outskirts of Kvari there are framers that grow Ashen Berry. The ground is fed with the elemental ash that is created after a storm. Great nets made of fine spider grass capture it in the air. It is then used as feed for the berries. 
  They have  a look of a large raisin but ashen in colour. The taste is unique in that despite the ash and dried out look it is incredibly juicy. More so it is addictive. Many have succumb to its taste, spending a fortune on the farms and farmers to make sure they have a supply. 
  Those that can resist its urges eat them for protection from the storms. It gives the one thats eating it a strong resistance to elemental magics. Very popular among the outsiders that come to explore Kvari. As with all sort after resources it generates wealth for the farmers. 
  If a native of Kvari eats the Ashen Berries it is an outward reaction that occurs. They become violent and the storm lashes out from within. Only destructive and chaotic folks of the land will eat them. Otherwise they are banned among a few.
  On particular bad storm days the berries are bought in the many to protect explorers. The vicious circle of becoming addicted to the berries to needing more to be better protected has caused small clusters of those beyond saving from their cravings.
  Just on the outskirts of the farms, always looking in, trying to steal where they can. The farmers hire guards to keep them back or to kill those that even attempt to sly away a berry or two for themselves. 
  An interesting fact about the Ashen Berry is that it has to be consumed fresh for it to have any effect on a person. If it is juiced of kept for later the seeming magical properties fail.


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